Stay Secure
We live in a world of cyber, whose security is often taken for granted. We often stay away from the truth that we are getting tracked. It's time to unveil the truth. Is your login credentials for social media secure or is Local Gateway access secure? Have you ever think about this? Even our Cyberoam which is considered to be one of the best firewalls in the world but it is also vulnerable to attack. Peoples love to find out the flaws in the system. Many of the network protocols have been designed for the purpose of ease of connectivity of hosts to the network. Consider DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is basically doing the job of assigning IP Address to new hosts in the network. IP should be unique for every host in the network. What if two different hosts have the same IP? There comes the IP conflict phenomenon. Due to which network access to that IP is denied by any other location (Denial of service).It would cost more if the main server gets disconnected from the network or goes down. Normally we consider two networks by locality, one is Local and another is global. Attacks from external networks can be prevented by deploying a firewall but attacks from inside the network are more likely to leak your credentials. So be aware don't take cyber security for granted.
We live in a world of cyber, whose security is often taken for granted. We often stay away from the truth that we are getting tracked. It's time to unveil the truth. Is your login credentials for social media secure or is Local Gateway access secure? Have you ever think about this? Even our Cyberoam which is considered to be one of the best firewalls in the world but it is also vulnerable to attack. Peoples love to find out the flaws in the system. Many of the network protocols have been designed for the purpose of ease of connectivity of hosts to the network. Consider DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is basically doing the job of assigning IP Address to new hosts in the network. IP should be unique for every host in the network. What if two different hosts have the same IP? There comes the IP conflict phenomenon. Due to which network access to that IP is denied by any other location (Denial of service).It would cost more if the main server gets disconnected from the network or goes down. Normally we consider two networks by locality, one is Local and another is global. Attacks from external networks can be prevented by deploying a firewall but attacks from inside the network are more likely to leak your credentials. So be aware don't take cyber security for granted.
Finding bugs is not a crime but to get benefited is
Most of the people who are interested in networks, loves to find out the bugs. They might be doing it for fun, but it is difficult to differentiate them from those who exploit the system with bad intentions.
People spend some restless nights to make a local internet (seems funny). They were trying to know the functioning of gateways and servers and how requests are made to get contents that we are looking for. Configured a web server capable of handling only HTTP requests. Which is a kind of duplicate server. All the requests from network hosts are managed to divert to duplicate server by blocking the main gateway.
There was no intention of damaging the system or to get benefited from it.” When you find out something that works gives you awesome feeling”.
Mistakes that we make in our daily life-
We often visit third-party sites from social media which are designed to get your attention. These are the sites which try to gets your login credential or your personal information.
Phishing is one of the major concerns. Phishing is carried out by misguiding user to the fake location of the site.
I got a new way to deal with the phishing problem. When you access any site, enter invalid user id and password. If you don’t get the message of invalid credentials then definitely it's phishing. So now you’ve got the way to tackle phishing.
Recently one more trend of adding an extension to Google chrome which saves the form data of every user is becoming very popular. When you are using public Computers be aware, if it has chrome then disable all extensions or try to use another browser.
Always check whether your browser proxy is set to default or not because we often surf web through a proxy and the guy with proxy server knows everything about your requests. Many of the times your browser is getting full of advertisements. The only reason is you are surfing through a proxy server.
Peoples use open VPN (virtual private network) to access blocked sites but they should keep in mind that they are accessing the internet contents from the third party.They might insecure your credentials. That’s why avoid doing any bank transactions using open VPN.
True cybersecurity is preparing what’s next, not what was last.
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